We provide electronic forms for you to complete, preferably at home prior to your appointment, to save you waiting time, or within the clinic on your arrival. These forms can be completed on any device: computer, tablet or mobile phone. You can receive these forms via email or in the clinic there will be a QR code to scan.

  • Your most recent glasses
If you haven’t completed the electronic forms, when you come for your appointment please bring the following:
  • Referral letter from GP, optometrist, family physician or another doctor
  • Medicare card, DVA card, pension card
  • A list of medications that you are taking or a health summary from your GP
  • Your private hospital insurance information
  • Copies of results, X-rays, MRI’s, CT scans and any other relevant information

You will be reminded of your appointment time beforehand, with an SMS.

When you arrive, please check in with our friendly reception staff. Your consultation will start with a review by one of our ophthalmic technicians. They will proceed to any diagnostic tests that you may require. You will then be seen by your ophthalmologist, who will be involved in every aspect of your care.

We value your time and we make every effort to run on schedule. However, some factors can cause some delays. For example, we occasionally have emergencies, or you may require a little more time or need unforeseen diagnostic tests, or you may need a minor procedure. Where possible, these are performed on the day of consultation. We apologise if we keep you waiting.

We provide a coffee machine and tea making facilities, and those with diabetes may want to bring a light snack. You should allow 60 to 90 minutes for your appointment. Please notify our staff if you have any concerns or have other appointments to get to.

Your eyes may require dilating to enable a thorough examination of your eyes by the specialist. Drops are used to dilate your pupils and can take 20–30 minutes to take effect. These drops may last for a few hours, and will make your vision blurred and will exaggerate glare. If your pupils have been dilated then we would encourage you not to drive following your appointment for at least 3 hours. Sunglasses may help with symptoms of glare.

Where possible we recommend asking someone drive you to your appointment and especially to collect you after your appointment. Check with reception staff if you can drive yourself to the appointment when you make a booking.

In most cases repeat prescriptions will be provided during your consultation. These can be also obtained from your general practitioner, however, we are happy to provide these prescriptions when necessary, but please allow 72 hours for the doctor to forward these to you.

It is a requirement from Medicare that you have a current referral from either your doctor or optometrist, to claim the full Medicare Specialist rebate. In most cases a referral is only valid for a 12 month period. Our staff will notify you if a new referral is required and please note that referrals can not be back dated. For your convenience you can upload your referral into the online registration form.

If you wish to ask any questions about your treatment, please contact our staff at reception. They will be able to provide you with advice for minor concerns or queries. For more serious questions or concerns, please raise this with your doctor or ask reception staff to pass your message on to the doctor, who will contact you directly.